About me

“I believe that my life and work experiences have led me to a place where I am able to offer quality and holistic mental health support services and therapy.”

– Rose Ann Victor MSc, BA(hons)

My Story

I am Rose Ann Victor MSc, BA(hons). I am a mental health and CBT practitioner offering therapy and mental health support.

I am Gibraltarian, currently living in Gibraltar, although as an adult I spent a substantial number of years living abroad, which has allowed me to develop an understanding of different cultures and languages. I am in my 50’s with lots of life experiences. I have lived through trauma, loss, depression and anxiety, which is one of the reasons I have taken this path to help others.

I hold a Master of Science (MSc) in Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches and a Bachelor of Arts (hons) (BA hons) in Social Work.

I am registered with Social Work England (SWE), whereby I acknowledge the importance of following the value base of SWE, such as respecting and promoting human rights and working within legal and ethical frameworks.

I am registered with the Association of Psychological Therapies (APT) with whom I carried out training and hold a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which carries 18 hours of continuous professional development.

I am also an affiliate member of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

As part of the MSc, I also carried out specific training in the assessment and diagnosis of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and subsequently was awarded a certificate. This course provided 10 weeks of learning, with a comprehensive understanding of the diagnostic criteria for FASD, the process of assessment across the lifespan, and post-diagnostic considerations.


I currently offer mental health support and therapy interventions to a number of clients.

I have worked as a social worker, during which time, I have supported children and families and carried out assessments in child protection, and fostering and adoption. Social workers are highly trained helping professionals and are promoters of wellbeing, whatever that might look like for you. 

As Welfare Officer to Theatre Makers drama group and previously to White Light Theatre, I have offered support and counselling to children and adults experiencing difficulties. I have preserved the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and prepared detailed risk assessments. I have assisted in coaching drama to children and young people and delivered group sessions on emotional wellbeing.

I am also a qualified Children’s and Adult’s Fitness Instructor and, in the past, have delivered fitness classes, where the training I provided to adults, children and children with minor disabilities, transcended physical exercise, and I focussed on a holistic approach to wellbeing, which included both physical exercise and mental wellbeing.

What led me here?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child[1] states that the best interests of children are to be protected, that they are entitled to special support to help them recover their health, dignity and self-respect when necessary.

Similarly, the Human Rights Act[2] underpins the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of adults.

Everyone is entitled to adequate care and support with intervention responses that reduce risk and maximise protection, vital to safeguard and promote mental health and wellbeing. 

Committed to these tenets, the welfare of others is a strong motivational factor in my desire to support children, young people and adults when faced with mental health challenges or life difficulties.

I believe that my life and work experiences, along with the knowledge gained academically, professionally and personally have led me to a place where I am able to offer you quality and holistic mental health support services and therapy.

[1] United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. (1990). https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx

[2] Human Rights Act. (1998). Human Rights Act 1998. Legislation.gov.uk. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/42/contents